Peerreach Blog

03 May

New PeerReach Website Kicked off by The Dutch King Willem-Alexander

The 2103 The Next Web conference was super-exciting for PeerReach!

First of all we were selected to be in the finals of the startup rally – at which we are able to present to a group of several hundred web geeks just exactly what we are currently working on at PeerReach and what’s on our current roadmap.

Below you’ll find the entire presentation which contains a detailed overview of our plans for the next few months.

Besides presenting on stage we hosted a booth during the conference where anyone at the conference could examine their PeerReach profile and check their influence.

The icing on the cake His Majesty The King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander was the first visitor to the latest version of our website.

Here is a short video of his visit: Dutch King Willem-Alexander at PeerReach. Unfortunately the video recording ends just before the King discovered that he is rated #1 in our booth’s influence demo presentation.  He spent almost seven minutes with us.

Delicious cookies were handed out to anyone who came and visited our booth and checked their influence.

Written by Lawrence